Fri 29 March 2024

Mezrab x Movies that Matter: Samuel and the Light

Movies that Matter is teaming up with Mezrab House of Stories to link two of Mezrab’s storytellers to festival films. Before the screening of Samuel and the Light, there will be a short story by Fer Rodil

Fer is an Argentinian writer-performer who has made theater in Buenos Aires for over 14 years. He is also a screenwriter, and has written fiction and documentaries for public TV and Amazon Prime, HBO and Disney+. In 2020, Fer moved to the Netherlands, where he teaches and performs comedy and storytelling after taking the professional course at Mezrab Storytelling School. Fer co-created ‘Training for the End of the World’, a performance that participated in Boslab Theater Festival, Brainwash Festival, and Oerol Festival. He also wrote and directed ‘What happened to Mark?’, which premiered at the Amsterdam Fringe, and ‘Pampa’s Pride’, for Amsterdam Storytelling Festival.

Mezrab is a storytelling cafe in Amsterdam. View their programme at


Fernando Rodil
