11 November

Pressing Matters: Film Screening + Talk in Tilburg

Movies that Matter and the European Parliament invite you to a free special film screening of Of Caravan and the Dogs. This documentary takes you into the lives of Russian journalists fighting for press freedom and democracy. After the film, we will discuss together what freedom of the press, democratic values and the role of journalism mean, both in Russia and here in Europe.

Book a ticket

About the film: Of Caravan and the Dogs

Of Caravan and the Dogs takes us behind the scenes at Russian independent media and NGOs before and after the Russian invasion of Ukraine. As the Putin government quickly escalates its suppression of free voices, the journalists of Novaya Gazeta, Radio Echo of Moscow and Rain TV all try to find ways to keep doing their work.

Talk with inspiring experts

After the film, an interactive discussion is scheduled with an inspiring panel, including Mick ter Reehorst (co-founder Are We Europe) and journalist and presenter Gijs Sanders (BNNVARA’s De Marker), MEP Reinier van Lanschot (Group of the Greens/European Free Alliance), and journalist Pjotr Sauer (The Guardian). Together they will reflect on the themes in the film and link to current European (policy) issues. 

Date and Location

Monday 11 November, 14:00 – 16:00
Mindlabs Building Fontys, Locomotiefboulevard 101, 5041 SE Tilburg. The screening is in the Bruisend Hart, immediately after entering through the main entrance.

Tickets (free of charge)

The event is free, but we kindly request that you reserve a ticket. Book your free ticket quickly, as spots are limited.

This screening is offered in cooperation with the Liaison Bureau of the European Parliament in the Netherlands. 

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