We would like to thank our ambassadors who bring our work to the attention of their network and who put us in touch with parties that can contribute to the realisation of our objectives. This group is committed to the festival and strengthens the reputation of our organisation.
Jozias van Aartsen
politician, former mayor of The Hague (2008 – 2017)
Youri Albrecht
journalist and general director of De Balie
Saman Amini
actor and singer
Hedy d’Ancona
sociologist, social geographer, politician and feminist
Ariadne Asimakopoulos
producer, director and screenwriter
Daria Bukvic
director, writer and speaker coach
Job Cohen
lawyer and politician, former mayor of Amsterdam (2001 – 2010)
Roel Fernhout
chair of the National Board for Scientific Integrity (LOWI), former National Ombudsman (1999 – 2005)
Rien van Gendt
philanthropist, board member of the European Cultural Foundation (ECF)
Ernst Hirsch Balin
politician and lawyer, former Minister of Justice (2006 – 2010)
Mechtild van den Hombergh
international consultant
Ila Kasem
strategy consultant, managing partner Van de Bunt Adviseurs
Bert Koenders
politician and diplomat, former minister of Foreign Affairs (2014 – 2017)
Lousewies van der Laan
former politician, managing director Transparency International Nederland
Patrick Lodiers
tv- and radio presentator
Kiza Magendane
political scientist, writer and strategic policy advisor
Erika Marseille
independent financial investigator, consultant and commissioner
Ferry Mingelen
parliamentary journalist, former NOS host Nieuwsuur and Pauw & Witteman
Egbert Myjer
judge, Dutch judge at the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg (2004 – 2012)
Eduard Nazarski
former director Amnesty International The Netherlands (2006 – 2019)
Taco Ruighaver
director Stichting de Vrolijkheid, former artistic director Movies that Matter (2000 – 2015)
Bahram Sadeghi
freelance director en host
Bart Stapert
criminal lawyer, Judge at Court of Appeals ‘s Hertogenbosch
Tamara Trotman
judge, counsellor at the court of appeal in The Hague
Jean van de Velde
film director, film producer and screenwriter
Femke van Velzen
documentary film maker
Ilse van Velzen
documentary film maker
Hanna Verboom
actress and presenter
Willemijn Verloop
social entrepreneur, founder of War Child
Heikelien Verrijn Stuart
journalist, lawyer and writer on criminal law and international humanitarian law
Leon Willems
director Free Press Unlimited
Jan van der Zanden
film producer, managing director The Film Kitchen