Audience Feedback Movies that Matter Festival 2024

Dear festival visitor,

The Movies that Matter Festival of the year 2024 is over! We hope you enjoyed the films, talks and more, and that you celebrated film with others. We are curious to learn about how you experienced MtMF24. Your feedback will be used to make our next festival even better. Participation in our audience survey takes a maximum of 10 minutes. Your individual answers will not be shared with third parties and will be treated anonymously with care. By completing this questionnaire you give MtMF permission to use the information you provide to improve the event. You get the best experience while using the normal version of the website, and not in dark-mode.

Thank you very much for sharing your thoughts with us and we hope to see you again next year, on behalf of the entire Movies that Matter Festival team!

Publieksonderzoek MtMF24 ENG


How many editions of the festival have you visited?

Personal interest

We are curious about the reason behind your visit to the festival. Which of the topics below were you interested in prior to the festival?
When do you find a film about human rights (particularly) interesting?

Experience before the start of MtMF24

How did you hear about this festival edition? Check all answers that apply.
How did you put together your film program prior to the festival? You can choose multiple answers.
How was your experience of orienting yourself on a movie or event on
How did you find buying tickets on
A ticket for a cinema screening during MtMF 2024 costs €12.50 (without discount). What do you think of this price?

Festival programme

You could follow various (film) programs at MtMF 2024. Each of these programs had its own framework, selection of films and in-depth programme. Which of the following MtMF 2024 programs are you familiar with? Multiple answers are correct.


How did you travel to the MtMF 2024 event venues? Multiple answers possible.
How accessible were the locations you visited during the festival?
MtMF wants to improve the accessibility of the festival locations and the website content of for visitors with a disability. These are, for example: visual impairments, auditory impairments, mobility impairments, cognitive impairments, (mental) health problems, unseen handicaps, etc. Do you have a handicap or impairment?
If you have an audiovisual impairment, how accessible was the content on to you?
Is there sufficient information on about the accessibility of our festival?
Have you used the apps Earcatch (audio description for the blind/visually impaired) and/or Subcatch (subtitles for the deaf/audio impaired)?
If you have used the Earcatch app, how do you rate this experience?
If you have used the Subcatch app, how do you rate this experience?

Festival Evaluation

How satisfied were you with the films and programs selected for the festival?
To what extent, in your opinion, do the pre- and post-discussions of the films contribute to the festival?
How would you describe the film festival using the words below? Multiple answers possible.
What impact has the festival had on your daily life? Multiple answers possible.
Are you considering visiting the festival again next year?

Visitor profile

MtMF is committed to diversity and inclusion, something that has been in our DNA since the festival was founded. To learn more about the diversity of the festival, we would like to ask you a few more personal questions. Are you willing to answer these for us? Note: Your individual answers will not be shared with third parties, and will be treated anonymously and with care. If you are not willing to answer the questions, you can select the option 'I prefer not to answer this question'.
How do you usually watch movies? Multiple options possible.
How do you usually inform yourself about the current film offer? Multiple answers possible.
Which media do you regularly watch or read? Select up to three options that you watch or read the most.
Which 2 social media do you use the most?
What gender do you identify with?
What age category are you part of?
What is your highest level of education within this list?
In which sector do you work?

Thank you!

Thank you very much for your participation in this research. By leaving your e-mail address, you have a chance to win great prizes, such as a month free membership on Cinemember (50x) and festival merchandise (tote bags, shirts, pins). We will contact the winners within a month of the festival. Do you want to have a chance to win this?
Would you like to be kept informed about Movies that Matter via our newsletter? For example, we provide information about the upcoming festival in 2024, film events throughout the year, films that can be seen on or other updates. We only use this information to send you the newsletter and you can unsubscribe at any time.
Thank you again for completing this questionnaire and thus for your contribution to the quality of our festival. We look forward to seeing you at the next edition of our festival and at one of our year-round events and screenings. Check out our website for more information about our organization: