Justice Frame Masterclass: Nani Jansen Reventlow

The Justice Frame Masterclass 2025 is delivered by author and award-winning human rights lawyer Nani Jansen Reventlow. Justice will be the central focus of this year’s masterclass. Illustrated by film fragments from the Justice Frame programme and Nani Jansen Reventlow’s book Radical Justice, many facets of justice will be touched upon.

Nani Jansen Reventlow is an author and award-winning human rights lawyer specialised in strategic litigation at the intersection of human rights, social justice, and technology.

She is the founder of Systemic Justice, an organisation that seeks to radically transform how the law works for communities fighting for racial, social and economic justice. Nani has an extensive background in promoting human rights in the digital context and in defending journalists and activists in some of the most repressive environments in the world. She previously founded and built the Digital Freedom Fund, which supports digital rights litigation.

Nani is the author of Radicale rechtvaardigheid (Radical justice), a collection of 9 essays on how to build a better world, published in Dutch in 2024 with an English edition coming soon.