Behind the scenes at Russian independent media and NGOs during the war in Ukraine. As the Putin government quickly escalates its suppression of free voices, Novaya Gazeta, Radio Echo of Moscow and Rain TV all try to find ways to keep doing their work.
‘Is it possible to continue working during a military censorship?’ asks Dmitry Muratov, editor-in-chief of legendary newspaper Novaya Gazeta. After the Russian invasion of Ukraine, free speech and independent journalism are quickly suppressed. Roskomnadzor – the federal agency responsible for monitoring the media – issues an order that the media should only use official Russian sources. It also bans people from calling ‘the special operation in Ukraine’ an attack, an invasion or a war. Shortly after, Russian parliament adopts a law imposing heavy prison sentences on ‘spreading false information’ about Russian military in Ukraine.
Of Caravan and the Dogs takes us behind the scenes with Kirill Martynov at Novaya Gazeta, Radio Echo of Moscow and Rain TV. The committed and brave journalists struggle with their conscience and their safety. We also witness the fate of Memorial, the NGO documenting the atrocities during Stalin’s reign. A shutdown is looming for all of them. Will they be able to move forward?