
De Publieke Tribune

How do threats, disinformation and censorship affect the work of journalists and media makers? And how does that in turn cloud our own view of reality? These questions will be at the centre of a special radio broadcast of De Publieke Tribune with Coen Verbraak (HUMAN/NPO Radio 1) on Saturday 22 March, live from the Movies that Matter Festival in The Hague.

Every week in De Publieke Tribune, you will hear the most impressive stories from the capillaries of society. Hosted by Coen Verbraak, every Saturday new guests share their experiences on topics that occupy or hinder them in their work or daily life. In this way, we discuss underexposed topics in society, draw inspiration from the people around us, and arrive at valuable insights and – who knows – solutions.

You can attend the live recording, from 15:00 in the Filmhuis Den Haag (no registration needed). Language: Dutch.


Saturday 22 March, 15:00 - 16:00
Filmhuis Den Haag Language: Dutch