Sun 23 March 2025

Talk with director Daan Veldhuizen and journalist and activist Julia Jouwe

After the screening of The Promise, a moderator will engage in conversation with director Daan Veldhuizen and journalist and activist Julia Jouwe (co-founder of The Young Papua Collective and also a protagonist in the film). The aftertalk will focus on the underexposed history of West Papua and the great responsibility that the Netherlands, as a former coloniser, has and still does not sufficiently acknowledge in the current conflict. The West Papuans’ struggle for independence continues to this day and has never received the international attention it deserves.

In addition, Haags Verhaal will be present throughout the afternoon to explore with visitors before and after the film their sense of home and embroider it together.

The Promise

Daan Veldhuizen, 115 minutes
Grand Jury Documentary Justice Frame World premiere Subtitles EN
A forgotten struggle, a lost future. In the 1960s, it seemed that West Papua was on the path to independence. But international interests, geopolitical power struggles, and economic motives dictated otherwise. Using uniquely restored 35mm archival footage, The Promise brings this history back to life, revealing how an ...
Sun 23 Mar
14:00 - 16:30 Sold out

Den Haag, Theater Dakota


Daan Veldhuizen


Julia Jouwe
