Sun 23 March 2025

Q&A with professor Jonah Schulhofer-Wohl

The screening of the film There is Another Way will be followed by the Q&A with the professor Jonah Schulhofer-Wohl, a senior assistant professor of Political Science at Leiden University.

His research agenda, on the conduct of civil wars, includes an empirical focus on the Middle East, but addresses questions about civil wars as a general matter, and draws on comparisons across diverse countries.

The after talk is moderated by Bahram Sadeghi.

Language: English

There is Another Way

Stephen Apkon, 67 minutes
Dutch premiere Subtitles EN
There is Another Way follows the members of Combatants for Peace, a movement of Israeli ex-soldiers and former Palestinian freedom fighters who unite in the pursuit of peace and reconciliation. Despite the devastating reality of violence and division, they refuse to meet hatred with hatred.  The film explores their per...
Sun 23 Mar
20:45 - 22:30

Den Haag, Filmhuis Den Haag


Bahram Sadeghi


Jonah Schulhofer-Wohl
