Industry: Stories that Matter 2024

A presentation of short films produced by the Buddy Film Foundation and ReFOCUS Media Labs.

The presentation will be followed by a panel on how media makers from affected communities in exile can get support, produce new media and draw attention to unresolved crises. Founders and creators from the Buddy Film Foundation and ReFOCUS Media Labs discuss ways their community members continue to create despite extreme emphathy fatigue. 

More information on the programme will follow soon.

Buddy Film Foundation operates as a starting point for refugee filmmakers, film crew, actors and creatives. They organise workshops, network events and coach their new colleagues with the ultimate goal being; landing paid jobs. They guide these professional filmmakers from development to execution and funding of their own film projects. They strive to be the link between the newcomers in this domain and the national and international film and tv-industry.

ReFOCUS was created to address the glaring gap in access to education and skills training. They were created for those missing years of education due to war, persecusion, extreme poverty and for those with a burning wish to contribute to the economics of their receiving countries. They programme works primarily with teenagers and young adults living in reception centers or shelters for minors. Theyhave developed intensive four-month semesterized media skills programs that serves as a form of art therapy, fosters modern media creation skills, and helps their creators develop portfolios and the confidence needed to secure employment. In their media labs they teach various mediums of media creation. After mastering photography their students bridge toward storytelling and filmmaking, but also develop skills in graphic design, audio and video editing, scriptwriting and directing.