This Industry panel, organised in collaboration with NAPA, focuses on the future of impact production. What is needed to further professionalise and consolidate impact production?
Creating impact with film has long been a tried and tested practice. Many documentaries, series and feature films have brought about social change, thus proving their power within the social domain. Not for nothing is there a growing demand from social organisations for impact productions and trajectories.
Nevertheless, funding opportunities for impact productions around creative works are still limited, making producers' own investments high. In what way could funding be better designed? How do we jointly ensure a better inflow of new impact talent? How do we stimulate cooperation and knowledge sharing with each other and relevant stakeholders?
These questions are discussed in the Dutch context and on the basis of the impact strategy of the documentary Total Trust, in an international playing field.
Total Trust
Total Trust (dir. Jialing Zhang, prod. Witfilm) takes a penetrating look at digital control in China, where an unprecedented degree of state control prevails through trust, fear, obedience and resistance. It explores the changes in social behaviour resulting from an all-seeing society and finds its staying power in the people fighting against the abuse of state power.
The documentary's director and (impact) producers will elaborate on their upcoming impact strategy, which will be rolled out in several countries by an international team. How does international cooperation around impact work, what are the differences in funding opportunities per country and what lessons can be learned?
Guest speakers: Hasse van Nunen ((impact)-producer Een van de Jongens), Jialing Zhang (director Total Trust), Vivian Schroder (impact-producer Interactive Media Foundation), Iris Lammertsma (producer Witfilm) and Saskia Kerkvliet (impact-producer 89up).
Moderator: Margje de Koning (artistic director Movies that Matter)
Language: English
This programme is organised in partnership with: