A journey through the meanders of justice and backroom politics in Congo. Gorette Mawazu has been entangled in a demoralizing court case for fifteen years, and politicians hand out money to win votes. Kafka in the Congo.
Gorette’s land has been illegally expropriated. Being too poor to hire a lawyer, she pleads her own case. For fifteen years, she has been sent from pillar to post, and risks losing the case. Gorette says to her daughter: “I have spent the entire day in the courtroom because those who are supposed to represent law and order play fast and loose with the facts.”
Bahati Lukwebo, a minister who is responsible for the National Congolese Assembly’s budget, clings on to his position, while fellow-politicians buy over people in the street in return for their support.
Kafka au Congo shows how every individual – both low and high on the social ladder – has to face corruption in the Congo.