Keep Quiet tells the remarkable story of Csanad Szegedi, a notorious figure who was vice-president of the right extremist Hungarian political party Jobbik and a diehard anti-Semite. But then he suddenly found out that his grandparents were Jewish. Now he is trying to make peace with himself and his past. But how credible is he really?
It is an incredible story: a leader of a right-wing extremist party, known for being a notorious anti-Semite because of his fascist statements and systematic denial of the Holocaust, who turns out to have a Jewish heritage himself and decides to 'reform'. It is the story of Csanad Szegedi: the vice-president of Jobbik, the Hungarian neo-Nazi party, and also one of the founders of Magyar Gárda, a paramilitary branch of the party which is now prohibited by law. Szegedi took a seat in the European Parliament as a Jobbik representative, but when it became known that his grandparents had been Jewish and his grandmother had in fact been an Auschwitz survivor, he left the party.
The film shows how Szegedi looks for a new identity during the next three years. He wants to convert to the Jewish faith and cast off his neo-Nazi past. Under the guidance of Rabbi Boruch Oberlander, he undergoes a transformation in which he has to face the painful truth about his grandparents. But how credible is this transformation? And is his confession a true spiritual revelation? Or is he simply a desperate man who had failed to keep his origin a secret and sees no way out?