The Maribor Uprisings: A Live Participatory Film

Maple Razsa, Milton Guillén

Innovative, interactive documentary in which the viewer decides the direction of the film. The population of a Slovenian city is sick of the corrupt municipal administration and goes out into the streets. The audience chooses: go along with the peaceful protests, or join the mob that seeks confrontation with the police?

Corruption, abuse of power and self-interest are commonplace in the Slovenian post-industrial city of Maribor. Democracy-wise, it is not much better in the rest of Slovenia. Poverty and unemployment are widespread, and politicians are mostly interested in filling their own pockets. When it becomes clear that the greedy mayor of Maribor has been involved in corruption scandals, the population is sick of it and goes out into the streets. The police take severe action, but the outraged civilians are not about to let themselves be silenced.

In this interactive film, you (the viewer) get to decide whether to join the angry mob or to opt for peaceful protest. You can also occasionally choose background stories, such as the explanation about a famous statue or a portrait of a protester.

This special documentary provides an up-close introduction to the perspective of the activist as well as the filmmaker in the thick of the struggle, though from a safe distance.

During the festival the filmmakers will be present at the screenings to offer background information and help the audience with their decisions.

The Maribor Uprisings: A Live Participatory Film is part of the Resist theme programme.


Maple Razsa, Milton Guillén
75 minutes
Production company
EnMasse Films