Historical drama, based on facts, about the day that became known as Bloody Sunday. In the spring of 1965, American minorities led by Martin Luther King organized a series of legendary protest marches in Selma, Alabama. Their goal was to obtain voting rights for all Americans, regardless of their ethnical background. The first march met with brutal police repression.
In 1965, more than a century after the American Civil War, various protests erupt in the state of Alabama as the African-American population campaigns for voting rights for minorities in the United States. Tensions escalate after the death of a young man and the arrest of African-American Annie Lee Cooper (Oprah Winfrey).
Martin Luther King calls upon the demonstrators to march from the town of Selma to the state capital of Montgomery. The police brutally cracks down on this peaceful demonstration, which is held on 7 March 1965. King and his followers persist, however, and successfully organize two more marches on Montgomery. A few months later, US President Lyndon B. Johnson signs the Voting Rights Act granting African Americans the right to vote.