Intriguing portrait of the famed author of best-selling series Millennium, Stieg Larsson. He was a dedicated journalist who devoted his time to fight right wing extremism, exposing fascism within Sweden’s political movements, and tracking its growth and normalization.
Stieg Larsson was the creator of the very popular, thrilling Millennium-series, which has been adapted into several successful films. He also created its evocative main character Lisbeth Salander, the punk master hacker who researched fascists in Sweden. Larsson based his character partly on his own experiences. As a dedicated journalist he devoted his time to fighting right wing extremism in the world and spreading the message that democracy is a human right that needs to be actively defended.
The film includes interviews with people close to Larsson, as well as unique material from his private archive, re-enactments and never before seen archive footage, creating an interesting image of the writer, who died too early, and the important work he did.