In 2015, Ukrainian filmmaker Oleg Sentsov, accused of terrorism by the Russian state, was sentenced to twenty years in prison in Siberia following what Amnesty International called a ‘cynical show trial’ given its highly politicized nature.
The film searches the truth behind the trial against pro-Ukrainian activist Sentsov and reveals the numerous flaws in the evidence provided by the public prosecutor. According to Sentsov’s family and his lawyer, he was arrested for peacefully protesting against the Russian occupation of Crimea. In fact, the prosecution failed to provide proof that Sentsov had been involved in any of the crimes to which he is linked. The notorious trial sparked worldwide protests and encouraged Russian documentary filmmaker Askold Kurov to make a film about his colleague’s plight. Oleg Sentsov went on a hunger strike on 14 May 2018 to ask for the release of all Ukrainian political prisoners.