Political thriller starring Rachel Weisz and Vanessa Redgrave. In 1999, a female police officer is sent on a peacekeeping job to Bosnia and there she discovers an underground network of human traffickers including United Nations officials.
After Kathryn Bolkovac is sent to Bosnia-Herzegovina as part of a United Nations peacekeeping mission at the end of the nineties, she soon stumbles unto things that cannot stand the light of day. Most young women working in the numerous brothels of the country have been forced to prostitute themselves. Their passports are taken away and some of them are even sold as slaves. UN officials that Bolkovac works with every day turn out to be among these prostitutes’ clients. Over time, she discovers ever more terrible details: not only do the high-ranked officials visit the brothels, they are also actively involved in human trafficking.
The film, directed by Larysa Kondracki, is based on the true story of peacekeeping officer Kathryn Bolkovac who, after alerting her UN superiors, was fired for her revelations.