Women in White
Gry Winther
From the moment he came to power in 1959, Fidel Castro led Cuba with an iron fist. A system of informants and secret police ensured that dissidents were given no chance to voice their views. When, in March 2003, all eyes were directed at the invasion of Iraq, seventy-five journalists, writers and human rights activists were arrested. They received prison sentences of 20 to 30 years. Two weeks later, the wives, sisters and daughters of the prisoners decided to come together to pray for their loved ones. Since then, Las Damas de Blanco, or the women in white, walk silently through the streets of Havana. Their actions are not without success: twenty men have been released since they began. In 2005, the European Parliament awarded the women a peace prize - an award they could not accept because the Cuban government did not allow it. Although the regime keeps a close eye on the women, they continue on with their silent protest. For the first time, these women share their stories with the world in the documentary 'Women in White'.
- Director
- Gry Winther
- Producer
- Veslemoey Ruud Zwart
- Year
- 2009
- Duration
- 52 minutes
- Production company
- Zwart Arbeid
- World Sales
- Nordic World