Die Welt

Alex Pitstra

After the 2011 Jasmine Revolution a young Tunisian wonders what his future will look like. Will he be able to build a better existence in Europe, or should he wait for better times in his own country? Exciting movie debut by Dutch-Tunisian filmmaker Alex Pitstra.

Abdallah, a young DVD seller in Tunisia, tries to make ends meet in a society that is caught between democracy and dictatorship. It is 2011, shortly after the Jasmine Revolution and jobs are scarce. Abdallah's friends speak highly of Europe’s wealth, boasting about the successful lives of people they know in the rich West. Addallah's father, who was once a 'guest worker' in the Netherlands, tells a different story, however. 'Die Welt', as he calls Europe, has had its day. Nevertheless, Abdallah's grows increasingly frustrated with life in Tunisia and after meeting a Dutch tourist he, too, starts to dream of a future in Europe.
In this contemporary fiction the Dutch-Tunisian filmmaker uses personal anecdotes and stories told by his family members to give his vision of the country. Pitstra's hybrid, documentary-like style provides colourful, realistic images of everyday life in the Maghreb.


Alex Pitstra
Rene Houwen
Country of production
Netherlands, The
80 minutes
Spoken language
Arabic, Dutch, English
Production company
Alex Pitstra Media
World Sales
Premium Films
Dutch distributor
Herrie Film & TV