How to apply for funding

Submissions are now closed

Every year we organise two selection rounds for our grant programme. The application deadlines for both 2024 rounds have passed and submission is no longer possible. Subscribe to our newsletter or follow our social media channels to stay up to date when the next call for project proposals opens.

To apply, you should:

  1. Read the selection criteria and general regulations in the drop-down menu below to see if your project meets the basic criteria;
  2. Download the application form, save it to your computer and fill it in;
  3. Fill out your personal data at the online form;
  4. Upload the application form and other supporting documents at the bottom of the online form, press Send. You will receive an email confirming receipt of your application within one hour.

If you have any questions concerning the application, please contact us at

Please use your own budget style and format. If, however, you would like to see an example of how a budget could look like, see this file.

  • Difference between our Start-up Grant and Impact Grant
    • Movies that Matter supports film events in their initial phase. Only the 1st and 2nd edition can be supported through a start-up grant.
    • The maximum support of a start-up grant is €5,000 per project.
    • Movies that Matter is prepared to offer a start-up grant according to the following rules:
      • 1st time: up to 100% of total project costs
      • 2nd time: up to 75% of total project costs.
    • The impact grant is intended for more established film festivals, and can be used for further developing the festival and increasing its impact.
    • The maximum support of an impact grant is €7,500 per project.
    • The Impact Grant can never cover more than 50% of total costs.
  • General Regulations
    • Movies that Matter does not support film production, industry events or workshops on film production. We support film festivals, mobile cinema and other types of film screenings that promote public debate on human rights.
    • Movies that Matter does not support filmmakers and producers distributing or screening their own film(s).
    • The project takes place in one of the countries mentioned on the DAC List of ODA recipients. Projects in EU countries are never eligible for support.
    • Total costs of the project can never exceed €100,000,-.
    • Organisations can be supported for a maximum of five times.
    • Projects starting before 20 November 2024 cannot be considered.
    • See the entry form for all required information.
    • Entry forms must be filled out in English. Additional material should be in English as well.
    • Documents and additional material should be clearly marked with the project title.
    • Movies that Matter does not impose a specific budget format. Applicants are encouraged to use their own budget style and format.
    • Entry forms must be filled out completely.
    • This entry form should be attached to the filled out online personal data form. If you have problems uploading the entry form online, please send it by e-mail to international (at)
    • Applications must be received ultimately on the deadline.
    • If the organisation has received support from Movies that Matter before, the final report of this project should be received before the organisation can apply for a new project.
    • For every project the applicant needs to submit a new application.
    • The results of the selection will be announced around 2,5 months after the application deadline, i.e. mid-November 2024.
  • Selection Criteria
    • Film screenings will contribute to awareness and discussion about human rights in Africa, Asia, Latin America, Middle East or Eastern Europe.
    • The project takes place in one of the countries mentioned on the DAC List of ODA recipients, where human rights and press freedom are at stake. Priority is given to projects in least developed and low-income countries.
    • Movies that Matter values films with high cinematic quality.
    • Movies that Matter prefers films that are independently produced. Screenings of educational films, campaign films or NGO outreach films are not supported.
    • Film and discussion programmes should also appeal and involve less privileged or less educated audiences.
    • Movies that Matter values projects targeting youths or new audiences that do not regularly attend film screenings and discussion programmes, for instance in peripheral areas.
    • Applications for an impact grant should explain how the grant will contribute to new developments or to increasing the impact of a project.
    • Movies that Matter gives priority to small and medium-scale projects (with a total budget below €50,000).
    • Projects should be submitted and executed by a local organisation that is well-connected with the target audience.
    • Projects are organised and executed by, or in close cooperation with, human rights organisations.
    • We encourage applicants to also actively involve other organisations, including parties that are not already connected with human rights, in the planning and execution of the project.
    • The application consists of a well-wrought and complete plan and budget
    • A reasonable degree of professionalism of the organisation is required, both financially and organisationally.