
Beyond the Frame – the MtMF25 festival campaign

The campaign for the Movies that Matter Festival 2025 is inspired by the rapid developments shaping our world. Populism is gaining ground, and more than ever, it seems that the loudest voices dictate the narrative. But can we look beyond these frames? Are we truly able to see the other? by Eric Seleky 05 March, 2025

During the Movies that Matter Festival, we hope to help our audience form and refine their opinions on the complex state of the world. This starts, of course, with our films, but the festival experience extends far beyond the screen. Through various exhibitions, countless post-screening discussions, and in-depth programmes featuring a wide range of inspiring guests, experts, movers and shakers, we provide context and create space for dialogue.

With this fifth campaign, developed in collaboration with De Designpolitie, we do not wish to dictate which frames are ‘correct’, but rather question which ones dominate and why. We invite our audience to engage in this reflection themselves.

Creating impact with our media partners

Thanks to the support of our media partners, we bring our films and message to a wider audience while providing additional context to our film programme.

  • NPO is once again our media partner. Their public service mission—to shed light on topics that would otherwise remain in the shadows—aligns seamlessly with ours. We are deeply grateful for their support. Together, we are curating a special NPO Doc Selection on Friday, 28 March, featuring screenings of The Dialogue Police and Blue Balls and Other Rape Myths.

  • Trouw has been a loyal partner for many years. Together, we produce the festival newspaper (landing on doorsteps on 6 March), featuring in-depth film articles by their editorial team and a daily festival highlights guide. The Trouw Afternoon has also become a festival staple. This year, under the guidance of film critic Remke de Lange, we will watch and discuss The Propagandist and Flophouse America.

  • HUMAN champions ‘radical humanity’—a credo that aligns perfectly with Movies that Matter. Our collaboration includes live recordings of De Publieke Tribune with Coen Verbraak on 22 March, as well as the HUMAN Friends Day on 29 March, featuring screenings of The Propagandist and Home Game, interspersed with a double interview with the filmmakers, hosted by our artistic director Margje de Koning.

  • De Groene Amsterdammer runs its own film club throughout the year, showcasing various Movies that Matter films. During De Day of De Groene on 23 March, we will watch From Ground Zero and Antidote together.

Check out our full programme here and get your tickets now!

With just a few more weeks to go, we are exited to welcome you to The Hague at Movies that Matters Festival 2025!