The Dutch feminist group Dolle Mina (Mad Mina) have been on the barricades since the 1970s. The movement became known for its bold actions to highlight the inequality of women in society. With their daring actions, they quickly woke up the whole of the Netherlands. They sealed up urinals, handed out condoms, burned bras in the streets, and openly confronted men by catcalling and even pinching their bottoms. And who doesn’t know the slogan ‘Baas in eigen Buik’ (My body, my choice!)? They created a new consciousness and sparked significant changes.
Now, exactly 55 years later, the Dolle Mina’s are back protesting – alongside the Mina’s from back then and a new generation of Mina’s.
After 55 years, the issues the Dolle Mina’s fought for are still alarmingly relevant: The gender pay gap is still there, sexism remains, femicide continues, there is still a double sexual standard, and women’s hatred is on the rise! It all started with one action to wake everyone up, but we got so much support that the Dolle Mina’s are now permanently back. “It’s hopeful and inspiring to continue the fight with the Mina’s of the first hour. Activism runs in their blood, and they know better than anyone how to bring heavy topics to light in a playful way. They are living proof that activism can have an impact and change is possible. We cannot sit back but must stay alert.”
Some rights that the Mina’s fought so hard for are under threat again, such as the right to abortion. In 2022, the US Supreme Court decided to overturn the federal right to abortion (Roe v. Wade), causing several states to enforce strict restrictions or even bans on abortion. This was a massive blow to women’s right to self-determination: My body, my choice. And even in the Netherlands, this right is now being undermined. Just a few weeks ago, several motions were submitted that could limit access to abortion care. A concerning development. Abortion is still in the criminal code. It’s therefore punishable, unless… The right to abortion should be enshrined in the constitution, just like in France.
“This film is about four women fighting for abortion rights in Poland, a topic that is very close to our hearts. One of them, Justyna Wydrzyńska, is being prosecuted for ‘helping with an abortion’. She’s doing amazing work, and it’s impressive how she sticks her neck out and keeps going under these difficult circumstances. We would love to meet her at the festival.”
“We find this film very important and urgent. Rape is a global issue, also in connection with wartime violence, and Devi addresses this head-on. It’s incredibly courageous. There is still a lot of shame surrounding rape, and victims are often not heard. It’s important to break the silence and show women like Devi: speak up, you don’t need to be ashamed. We must tackle the perpetrators, not the victims: 'Shame must change sides.”
“The positive and creative way they resist is something that inspires us. They protest not with violence, but with songs and poetry. It shows that you don’t need many resources to bring about change. This is something Dolle Mina strongly believes in as well. With creative and playful actions, you can make a huge impact. It’s impressive how they continue to fight, despite the harsh conditions, and remain hopeful for change. We share with them the hope and optimism that we can change the world. By believing in it together, a huge amount of energy is unleashed.”
“It hits exactly the points we, as Dolle Mina, are fighting for. It’s a socially relevant film that addresses the issue of sexual violence. It shows how intense it is that so many people are confronted with sexually harassment. Almost every woman I know has experienced this in some way. National statistics show that two out of three young women have faced some form of sexual misconduct, whether physical or verbal. Street harassment is still a daily issue as well. The film also makes you reflect on why so few perpetrators of sexual violence are convicted, which makes the problem even more urgent. It’s a confronting but necessary reflection on the state of our society and the legal system surrounding sexual violence.”