Earcatch & Subcatch

As a festival with a focus on human rights, we value audiovisual accessibility and believe it is important that accessibility for all is no longer the exception but becomes the norm. A number of festival films are therefore accessible to people with visual or hearing impairments, via the free apps Earcatch and Subcatch from Stichting Audiovisuele Toegankelijkheid (the Audiovisual Accessibility Foundation).

Audio description (via Earcatch) and closed captioning for the deaf & hard of hearing (via Subcatch) will be available for several of the festival films. We will publish the list of films soon.

Learn more about the apps

  • For visually impaired visitors (audio description blind/visually impaired)
    The Earcatch app includes audio description for a large number of films. The audio description can be downloaded and played via the app and automatically synchronises with the sound in the cinema or from your television or computer. Thanks to Earcatch, the audio description offer is free and easily accessible to users. Audio description is the technology that makes film and television accessible to the blind and visually impaired, among others. The sound of the film is supplemented by an additional audio track. During pauses in the dialogue, a voice-over describes visual elements of the film such as the characters, facial expressions, positioning and developments in the storyline.

    How does it work?
    Using the Earcatch app, you can download the audio description file of the film of your choice onto your smartphone or tablet in advance. When the film starts, you start playing the audio description. Using sound recognition, Earcatch ensures that audio description and film are exactly synchronised. The user listens to the audio description through headphones or an earpiece.

  • For visitors with a visual impairment (closed caption subtitles for the deaf and hard of hearing)
    The Subcatch app contains special subtitles for Dutch-language cinema films and documentaries, allowing deaf and hard-of-hearing people to follow them as well. The special feature of this app’s technology is that the user can access the film or documentary at any screening in any cinema or movie theatre via a smartphone or tablet. Both the app and the subtitles are available to users free of charge.

    How does it work?
    Before the film, you can download the Subcatch app. Using new technology, Subcatch offers an effective solution for providing subtitles in the cinema via smartphone or tablet. By listening to the sound of the film, Subcatch is able to synchronise, making the subtitles automatically follow the film.