Take on Future

What challenges await us in the future? The films in Take on Future dive into various issues, from the realities of climate change to the risks of AI.

Artificial Justice

Simón Casal

In the near future in Spain, the Government aims to replace judges with an Artificial Intelligence software, pledging to effectively automate and depoliticise the justice system. Carmen Costa, a distinguished judge, has been invited to assess this new procedure.

The Coriolis Effect

Petr Lom

Set in Cape Verde, ‘the place where hurricanes are born’. The Coriolis Effect is a poetic documentary about our world spinning out of control. With stunning footage of the Cape Verdean nature and wildlife, this cinematographically impressive film deals with the increasingly disturbing relation between humankind and nature. World premiere.

The Here Now Project

Jon Siskel, Greg Jacobs

Climate change is affecting more and more human lives. In this film, we see global natural disasters, captured by ordinary people, reflecting the dramatic events of 2021. In a production of unprecedented scale, Emmy-winning filmmakers Greg Jacobs and Jon Siskel chronicle that crucial year through the eyes of ordinary people around the world.