Meet the Activist 2024

In the Meet the Activist programme the eight activists from the eight selected Activist films are introduced. A short clip about each activist is shown followed by a conversation with moderator Marieke Eyskoot about their work, what keeps them motivated and what the international community can do for their case. After the plenary programme there are speed dates with the activist for selected invitees.

Activist is one of the main programmes of the Movies that Matter Festival and is entirely devoted to (films about) human rights defenders. The program presents eight documentaries about activists, all of whom are guests at the festival for Q&As and meetings. In addition, a personal impact and network program is organized for each of them with meetings with NGOs, media and organizations in the Netherlands that are relevant to them, including Amnesty International and the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs

This year in the Activist programme we have activists from - and films about - Kenya, New Zealand, Iraq, UK, India, Russia, Brazil and Jamaica. On Friday, March 22 in Meet the Activist, the activists will be introduced and tell more about the work they do, how they stay motivated for their activism and what the biggest challenges are. The afternoon will be opened by Human Rights Ambassador Wim Geerts. 

For this afternoon we invite organizations such as Amnesty International, Free Press Unlimited, Oak Foundation, Hivos, Justice & Peace, Prince Claus Fund, Doc Society, WITNESS, Mama Cash, National Postcode Lottery.

14.30 – 16.30 Meet the Activist programme

This event is by invitation only. Accreditation passholders can also reserve a ticket to attend the programme.