To raise awareness and promote discussion on human rights, Movies that Matter organises a film project in cooperation with the Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs. All Dutch embassies are given a menu of films about human rights for screenings on 10 December, International Human Rights Day.
Movies that Matter creates a menu of five high-quality films about human rights. Embassies organise screenings of these films in the context of International Human Rights Day, including an introduction or debate about the films’ subject matters. They invite representatives from local businesses, the academic world and/or NGOs.
Working for the constructor of an airport on Saint Helena, Namibian Annina Van Neel hears about the discovery of mass graves of formerly enslaved people on the island. When she starts fighting for an honourable resting place, she has to take on resistance, indifference and the persistent legacy of colonialism.
What happens when your child is gay or transgender, while you believe with your whole heart that that’s a sin? Evangelical Christians Kimberly and Sara make a brave transition into loving ‘Mama Bears’. Meanwhile, young Tammi struggles with self-acceptance and with her own mother. Heart-warming documentary about love’s victory over hatred.
The story of brave Iranian Reyhaneh Jabbari. At 19, Reyhaneh killed a man who threatened to rape her. Her death sentence can be revoked if the victim’s family forgives her. For Reyhaneh, it becomes a choice between her life and her values.
When an investigative journalist and his fiancée are brutally murdered and Slovakia’s police fail to question the prime suspect, a leaked case file reveals rampant corruption and protests for justice erupt.
Two men fight against the growing and far-reaching Chinese influence in Ecuador. Paúl Jarrín leads the indigenous resistance against China’s plundering of Ecuador’s natural resources. Journalist Fernando Villavicencio exposes the government corruption that facilitates the Chinese economic takeover. In both cases, the state reacts with full force.